
Indoor Bashing with the WLToys K989 R/C Rally Car [Video]

By: Tim Gluth

The first real "test" that I've performed for the WLToys K989 R/C Rally Car came in the form of an indoor basement bash session. I set up a small ramp that is usually reserved for my ECX KickFlip and BeatBox and let the little pup eat.

Given the low price-point, I'm very happy with how this little car holds up after taking a few indoor tumbles. The tires have a good amount of grip in them and this car turned into a little tumbler on my berber carpet. 90% of the rolls resulted in on-wheel landings, so I spent more time on the throttle than off.

For speed, this little machine can zip around and is very nimble. It's proving to be a blast to drive and bash around with and I'm looking forward to seeing what it can do outside.

Check out this car at and see my initial thoughts on this vehicle.

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