
Two New Micro & Mini Servos from Horizon Hobby's Onyx Brand

By: Tim Gluth

Does your small-scale radio-controlled car, truck, or crawler need a new steering servo? Thanks to Horizon Hobby's Onyx brand, you don't have to break the bank to upgrade this crucial part of your machine.

Their recently-released "S-series" of servos includes micro and mini options that are perfect for your 1/24-scale and up small-scale R/C vehicle. Built for performance, durability, and budget-friendly to boot, these servos should be great choices for either a kit build or ready-to-run (RTR) upgrade.

Onyx S25 Minoi Servo

Onyx S-series Mini/Micro Servo Lineup

Each of these servo options is priced to fit into any hobbyist's budget. If you need a replacement servo or just want a few spares to keep in your toolbox, these appear to be some solid options for your small-scale R/C machine.

To learn more about these new micro and mini servos from Onyx, visit

Image credit: Horizon Hobby

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