ROCHobby Katana V2 Outdoor Test Drive [Video]

Small-scale crawling is booming and not just for 1/24-scale machines. There are a handful of 1/18-scale rigs making a name for themselves, including ROCHobby's Katana V2 ($179.99 Amazon). This second-generation 1/18-scaler has quite a few features that should delight fans of performance and appearance.
With its hard plastic body, detailed interior, and multi-function LED lights, the scale detail of this model is quite amazing. Under the hood (literally), this vehicle isn't a slouch when it comes to crawling performance.
The newest edition to my fleet of small-scale crawlers, I gave this truck a shakedown on a number of obstacles. If you're looking for something new and slightly larger for your collection, take a look at how this rig looks in action.
The ROCHobby Katana V2 carries a price of $179.99 (Amazon), but you might be able to find discounts to help lower the price. Keep an eye out for my upcoming review of this rig, not to mention additional driving footage.