Injora Teases an Upcoming Ford F-150 Body for the Axial SCX24

By: Tim Gluth
Injora's been on a tear lately with its 1/24-scale crawler upgrades. Their wheels, tires, and other chassis enhancements offer some great, budget-friendly ways to customize your small-scale trail machine. In a recent Instagram post, it appears that they'll soon be branching out into bodies with a tease of an upcoming Ford F-150 lid.
The old-school pickup truck body appears to be a late-70s model pickup truck and features molded front grille and headlight details as well as flared fenders. No release date has been announced, however, the Instagram post indicates that this body will be "coming soon".
To find out more about this upcoming release, and Injora's other R/C upgrades, check out Injora's Instagram profile.
Image credit: Injora