HPI Announces the Q32 Trophy Truggy

HPI has endured an up and down year, but all signs point to them ending 2016 with a bang. They have added another 1/32-scale vehicle to their expanding Q32 lineup with the addition of the Q32 Trophy Truggy. As we’ve seen from the other Q32 models, these vehicles aren’t short on fun, even with their small size.
Using the same base chassis as the Q32 Baja Buggy, Q32 D8T Tessmann Edition and Formula Q32 machines, but with a different body shell, rear wing design, and wheels.
No other details are available for the Q32 Trophy Truggy at this time, however, I’m guessing the base specs will match those of the Q32 Baja Buggy. Using their “True Steer” proportional steering to give this small-scaler 1/10-like handling, it will most-likely include a 2.4GHz radio system, and use a transmitter that doubles as a charging station.
If the visual style of a buggy isn't what you're looking for, this sleek, aggressive truggy might be a great small-scale option for you.
A price hasn’t been posted for this ready-to-run (RTR) vehicle just yet, however it should retail around $60 (the price of the other Q32 models) when it becomes available.
Learn more about the HPI Q32 Trophy Truggy at hpiracing.com.
Image credit: HPI